Company Details contain the TIN and the company's registered address.

If the client requests additional company information to be placed on the details, he/she must submit a signed request form and approve the processing fee of Php 3,000*. 

  • On the signed request form, the client should supply the information that needs to be updated:
    • TIN
    • SSS
    • Registered Address
    • Name of signatory
    • Copy of e-signature (Optional)
      • Ask the client if this will be set for all or will remain blank
      • If the client wishes to add an e-signature, then the signatory needs to sign clearly on a white bond paper using a black permanent marker or heavy-tinted sign pen, scan the signature and send the image file to us.

*Take note that this requested activity is billable for Php 3,000 if company details are not yet set up.