
This release improved the contents of the email notification when the separation date is changed or the separation is retracted.

If the field value was not provided upon encoding, the email notification will show a hyphen on the corresponding field to signify it had been left blank. 


This major release improved the computation of benefits upon separation. 

The identified issue that caused this enhancement in the computation of separation benefits (gratuity and/or retirement) is its incorrect referencing value used in the formula. It originally referred to the employee's tenure. The formulas used to compute gratuity and retirement benefits upon separation refer to the year of tenure for which it only accepts a whole number (number of years of service).

As a permanent solution, this release goes back to the initialization of the employee's record, where a new field is created to hold the computation basis for tenure with consideration to the year, month, and days of tenure (not just a whole number). Adding this new field triggered the creation of a new column called tenure_computation_basis, which will be used for the computation of gratuity related to the final pay.