If there is a possible connection issue upon IS acceptance of clearance, please click the re-verify button under clearance v2 summary so clearance will be routed to clearing departments.
Steps for Re-verification:
Step 1: Under Clearance V2>Summary: Select/click the employee.

Step 2: Click on Re-verify.

Step 3: After re-verification, the "total count" of items to be cleared (accountabilities) under the Cleared / Total column should appear. Approvers only need to check their screens for these items that need their approval. The maker will no longer receive a new notification upon re-verification that he/she has an item queued for clearance. The clearance approval will be shown in the Forms Approval > ECF v2 of the maker.

Step 4: If there is anything to be cleared, it will start showing up under the clearing department on the clearance summary after re-verification.