1. Enhancement: All income and deductions of an employee are now viewable after moving him/her from one pay frequency (payfreq) to another. (Profile > Payroll > Income or Profile > Payroll > Deduction)

2. Enhancement: Title case capitalization of the spotlight menu labels has been corrected.
  • Payroll Spotlight
  • Government Spotlight
  • HR Spotlight
3. Enhancement: For future dated resignations, the payment status will be put ONHOLD corresponding to the actual separation date. Previously, the payment status was put on hold based on the acceptance date of the resignation.

Illustration can be seen here.

Do take note that:
  • Future-dated resignations that were accepted before 12/15/2021 are not covered by the enhancement, and are still tagged as ONHOLD.
  • Accepted resignation for future dated resignees before the release, will still be tagged as ONHOLD based on the acceptance date.    
4. Enhancement: Removed duplicate entries showing on the Substituted Filing Summary Report caused by employee movement.

Report Affected:
  • PHRP1804001 Substituted Filing Summary Report