• Proclamation No. 555 - Declaring the Regular Holidays and Special (Non-Working) Days for the Year 2019 (August 15, 2018)

This Proclamation provisioned that Chinese New Year (aka CNY, Spring Festival), one of the most revered and festive events celebrated by Chinese nationals all over the world, is declared as a special (non-working) day without detriment to public interest.

In Proc. No. 555, the EDSA People Power Revolution is said to be commemorated annually (anniversary) on February 25th, as the event restored and ushered political, social and economic reforms in the country.

In observance of Holy Week, being one of the most cherished traditions of our predominantly Catholic people, the Proclamation stated that Black Saturday has been traditionally declared a special (non-working) day throughout the country.

To strengthen family ties by providing more time for traditional All Saints' Day, All Souls' Day, and Christmas Day commemorative activities, and to promote domestic tourism, Proc. No. 555 declared November 2nd and December 24th as additional special (non-working) days.

Proc. No. 555 Section 2. stated that the proclamations declaring national holidays for the observance of Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha shall hereafter be issued after the approximate dates of the Islamic holidays have been determined in accordance with the Islamic calendar (Hijra). To this end, the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos shall inform the Office of the President of the actual dates on which these holidays shall respectively fall.

  • Proclamation No. 986 - Declaring the Regular Holidays and Special (Non-Working) days for the Year 2021 (July 30, 2020)

  • Proclamation No. 1107 - Amending Proclamation No. 986, S. 2020, Declaring the Regular Holidays and Special (Non-Working) days for the Year 2021 (February 26, 2021)

Due to COVID-19 protocols promulgated by health authorities, large gatherings and festivities that usually take place during public commemorations are discouraged. In addition to that, there is a need to encourage economic productivity for the country to recover from the adverse economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, to minimize work disruption, some special holidays are commemorated as special (working) days instead, such as All Souls' Day (November 2nd), Christmas Eve (December 24th), and Last Day of the Year (December 31st).

  • Proclamation No. 1236 - Declaring the Regular Holidays and Special (Working/Non-Working) days for the Year 2022 (October 29, 2021)